Monday, January 3, 2011

Resolution sucks; but they are meant for!!

As i can, everyone decided their new year's resolutions, so i came out with some of my types resolutions. they are-

1. To start from end- i will spent my next new year eve in Goa. Cool beaches, hot bitches.
2. I would made my lecturers do some extra effort by putting some 'P' beside my name. In short regular attendance.
3. Provide my helping hand in dad's business, to ensure him atleast i'm better at this side.
4. Date some chicks. Ofcourse in my non-NIT network. NIT repels chicks or vice versa. Same poles.
5. Start a consolable preparation to get a passport for better B-school. Instead only talks about them. Or which B-schools has best pubs nearby. Or which one provides foreign intern.
6. Pen down some beautiful and spicey blogs. Indeed blogs are long way to go.
7. Top priority- i will stick on above resolutions.

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