Saturday, January 29, 2011

Oh yes i'm single & so is my girlfriend.

Above bizzare phrase has nothing to do with my absurd life. Nothing at all. Neither i have GF nor too single. OYIS is just another cant wait creative cum must read work of elite Durjoy Dutta. The same stud who changed the perceptions what india read so far. Atleast for me it changed. Novel has already hit stalls & so the minds of people. But very fact giving me hibby gibbies is that novel has not reached Raipur. Not even its shadow. So deceitful. My frequent visits to bookstores & vendors are in vain. my visits made me familier to them. By the time i stand my bike, they yell " Bhaiya sorry to say, you still have to wait ". Alas my face becomes small. Is Raipur that backward ? maybe !

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