Saturday, January 29, 2011

Of Meltness & What We Inert To See !!

Today a feeling tucked my heart. Made my heart to shake & tremble. Everytime my emotions get bounce up when i see something remotely close to old, helpless, forced from circumstances kind of life deprived people. They make me guilt. Myself pity. My tear glands just get activated & were about to do their work. I get shatter. That time only i can think how merciless god has turned himself. Much. I blame myself too. Often blame for watching & watching over.

Just a few days down the line, a maid joined in our house. To perform the same household cleaning chores. As if looks she is in mid 50s. Face wrinkled & her skin has attained its loosability. Thread-thin she is. From my view everything was okay till today. But today my dadi uttered me something. About the life our Maid was upto. Maid lives all alone. No one to care & share for. Her husband died some years ago & no child she possess. She had a rented single bed size room for herself. Where she cook, sleep & solitates. Apart from ours, she also works in other two houses. Just struggling to keep her busy. Just managing two time meal for her already sunken stomach. Just for living. The workload already made her spinal cord bend. She hardly smiles.

I heard from elders that you have to pay for the previous birth's sin. But this cant be the form of punishment one can look for. The subtleness of  poverty makes me sick. Totally. The hallowed gap between rich & poor is so wide that, one can merge all possible bodies known & can be put between that gap. Sometimes i question myself, just in case, if i would have to live such a life, i could have broken. Lost in despair. Or better just had died some decades before. This thought kicked my ass. I peeked my demands list & after a second i tore it. My maid's reality of not having realized me i have aplenty & fully content things to live for. I'm totally blessed & gracious.

Afterthought i look options to erase poverty. Becoming IAS can do. But its jaw dropping toughness & stiff competition compels me to go for other ways. Then i comes to the point of emerging billionaire. Earn more & be charitable more. Meanwhile this are future pretext & i'm in present context. So from the same second i have to sprint to help them. Those in need. And i'm far better than serious this time.

PS- Other's sophistication making me simple. I'm proud of it.
PS- I started giving, not because i have too much, but for i'm aware the pain of not having.
                                                                                                 ( i read it somewhere)
PS- We take off from world, bare hand. What counts is our nobility, our non-breach actions & we itself.

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